Timely Revelation
for the coming judgment
This document provides new understanding about the everlasting covenant and the gospel of Christ; it is now freely available here, for all people of the world. Jesus kept the Sabbath and tells us to keep the Sabbath. Paul kept the Sabbath and told us to keep the Sabbath. The Sabbath was kept by the whole Christian church in Paul’s day, and he told us so, but the translation hid it from us. You are Israel; god didn’t make a covenant with Christians, he made covenants with Israel, and if you are in any covenant with god it can only mean that you have been grafted into Israel; the Ten Commandments shall never pass away, they apply to you right now; the fourth commandment requires you to observe the Sabbath as a sign that you entered into covenant with him; that you trust him to sanctify you, which is the opposite of the old covenant, where we promised we would do things; the new covenant is god promising us that he is able to sanctify us; there are many quotes from the bible where Jesus said to keep these commandments, you must be sanctified to live with him; your sanctification process, while on Earth, depends on you entering into a covenant with him according to the 10 Commandments; the lynch pin is the sign between god and man, the Sabbath; no matter how badly you fail, god is able to complete your sanctification after you die, but you must observe the Sabbath while on Earth in order to enter into the covenant so that it can provide safety for you in the time of tribulation that is coming soon, which you will go through, you shall not escape it unless you die before it comes; all of god’s covenants have included the two promises of mercy and restoration, which are justification and sanctification; restoration is complete after justification and sanctification, as depicted by the pattern in the sanctuary. I'll show you how Christian churches have been deceived into a dangerous condition for the coming tribulation; no one has received the mark of the beast, but it's coming; and you need the Seal of God to protect you during the tribulation, which is placed on your forehead by you keeping the Sabbath.
All Truth is God's Truth
from me, and others, to you
Forgive me for repeating truth without citing enough references, for I learned this by hearsay, a lifetime of study, documentaries, and various ways, as I was not present at the time to witness it for myself. If you believe you deserve to be cited for any of this, please send me a message and I will be happy to do so. Some of you have been more instrumental than others, in my enlightenment, and I wish you had provided better opportunity for me to give you credit. While I do paste verses from the KJV bible directly in the text, with the verse number, and sometimes cite the source right where it is used in the text, in many cases, I can only offer to you that which I believe, not why I believe it, nor point to a source for you to verify it. Don't take my word for it, do your own verification and fact-checking; draw your own conclusions; your path in life depends upon it. I'm not here to sell you anything, and I do not make any money from this message.
I'm Christian, I've been shown and I am here to freely deliver this message to you and to the whole world. In one sense, the public and free publication of this message is available to the whole world, anyone with an internet connection and a browser, can read this message. It is available in the whole world. That is a small step away from it being read in each of the 197 nations of the world, and if someone in each of those countries preaches it to their country, it would satisfy the prophecy that the everlasting gospel be preached in the entire world before the soon return of Christ. Today, this prophecy is fulfilled in your reading, for your life, in your part of the world. I'm highly reverent of God, and I would be mortified to think I have deceived you because I believe that I have to answer to God for every word I say, and especially for leading anyone astray. I do not copyright this text; I have no claim on it. Please preach it to the world.
I’m going to challenge you, and you’re likely to be changed, regardless of what you choose to believe. The overriding message here is that your salvation is a separate issue from the mark of the beast; they are related to separate promises; the promise of mercy from judgment in your salvation, and the promise of your sanctification to restore you to god; the papacy is the little horn in prophecy who perverted the your path to redemption, which is your justification and sanctification; the whole Christian church world was deceived into abandoning god's eternal law, the ten commandments; you're called out of the counterfeit church, and you must choose the seal of god before the door closes. This is the most shocking story you have ever heard, or ever will hear, until you meet the creator who created you, face to face, to be judged. Your soul lives forever. Everyone should fear the lord because he determines where you shall spend eternity; with him, or not.
After researching bibles
I use the KJV because it is the closest to direct translation from Greek and Hebrew
I think every verse I included here is pulled from the KJV, and no spellcheking or modifications were applied to it. If I had time to do my own translating, from Greek and Hebrew, I would do that.
A little history about how the world got to where we are today
You need to know where you came from in order to provide you with contextual meaning from which to gain perspective on your future. How did you get here?
In the dark ages
Governments and the Roman Catholic Church rigidly controlled Europe with dogma, exercising power over the people, dictating everyday life on every level. Basically, the church held sway over much of the world, for 1500 years during the Middle Ages, where the Catholic Church squashed science and any thoughts that threatened to take power from the church, and they were willing to eradicate all opposition by death. The oppressed people eventually rebelled, rejected the church and its perverted ways, resulting in the French revolution. Like throwing the baby out with the bathwater, the age of enlightenment took root, and they enshrined the Goddess of Reason, teaching atheism to the masses in Note dame Cathedral. The ensuing reign of terror persecuted French Christians, bibles were burned, and Christians were killed, setting the stage for the theory of evolution, and a life without the need for god, and the birth of uniformitarianism.
Uniformitarianism is a school of thought that says all things have continued at the same rate since the beginning of time. That means that if we see a process today that takes a million years, then it must be true that the same process must have always taken a million years. The thought is ok for a beginning theory, but it doesn't hold water, and cannot be proved to be true. It flies in the face of an opposing theory, that the flood event catastrophically changed the world in a short period of time.
The flood
There is evidence all over the world for a cataclysmic flood, with identical layers found in identically timed layers of rock. The reason that the Grand Canyon has perfectly striped layers with no evidence of erosion in them is because the process did not take place over millions of years, it was a rapid event. The fossils found in the layers are exactly what one would expect to find for water setting, with bottom feeders found at the bottom, and higher form of life going up through the layers, just like they died and settled. There are massive salt deposits along coastlines that clearly had to be deposited in a short time frame, and plenty of other geologic evidence that has been deliberately misinterpreted to fit the godless world view, which has prevailed since the age of enlightenment began. There is much that can be said here, but that is not my mission. Do your own research.
The truth is attacked by a counterfeit message
With uniformitarianism, and the age of enlightenment, come Darwinism, Ecumenism, Communism, and Spiritualism. All of them try to remove god from the world view. By contrast, the truth is found in Catastrophism, which is the flood, the everlasting gospel, the judgment hour, the cleansing of the sanctuary, the Sabbath, and worshiping the creator. At this critical time in history, the counterfeit message launches a direct assault on the truth, all of these occur about the same time prophecy said the sanctuary in heaven will be cleansed, when the warning message for the end time goes out, when the judgment hour for the end of days begins. The deceiver is working overtime, and the timing is not a coincidence.
Natural selection
the rise of Darwinism
Charles Lyell wrote a book that Charles Darwin had with him on the island of Galapagos, which proclaimed these long geologic processes in uniformitarianism as fact. Charles Darwin finds variations of finches on the island, equates their variations to these processes and wrote the Origin of Species, applying the long geologic processes to biologic processes, and calls it natural selection, a mechanism by which variation in species does not need a creator.
Chronological Events
Here’s a timeline of only a few significant historical events for you to read as a reference for the remainder of the discussion. I picked these out in an hour or so, and I never got back to complete the reading of the list. In many of them, the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church in Rome, directly issues decrees, called Papal bulls, to repeatedly defile the church, those and other events listed in chronological order, are astonishing:
- 1229 pope Gregory IX, forbid laymen from reading the bible for themselves, and the punishment for violating it was death.
- 1233 pope Gregory IX, marks the start of the Inquisition by the Church.
- 1240 the same Gregory IX ordered all Jewish books in Castile to be seized on first Saturday in Lent while Jews were in synagogue.
- 1244 pope Innocent IV ordered the Talmud to be burned.
- 1245 pope Innocent IV declared the primacy of the Roman Church over all churches.
- 1252 pope Innocent IV authorizes the use of torture for eliciting confessions from heretics during the Inquisition and executing relapsed heretics by burning them alive.
- 1265 pope Clement IV stated that appointments to all benefices were a papal prerogative.
- 1267 pope Clement IV legally barred Christians from converting to Judaism.
- 1295 pope declared that he alone has the right to change god's law.
- 1299 pope Boniface VIII declares Jews be included among persons who might be denounced to the Inquisition without the name of the accuser being revealed.
- 1302 pope Boniface VIII declares that there is no salvation outside the Roman Catholic church. Yes, that is a papal decree, and as far as I know, it has never been rescinded.
- 1343 pope Clement VI justified papal power to issue indulgences. You get to pay money to the pope to be cleansed of your sins.
- 1384 John Wycliffe translated the bible into their common language so everyone could read it for themselves.
- 1409 pope Alexander V orders the suppression of the distribution of all the translated bibles of John Wycliffe in Bohemia.
- 1423 pope Martin V renews the law requiring Jews to wear badge, a precursor to Nazi Germany.
- 1460 pope Pius II prohibits any appealing of a papal judgment.
- 1470 pope Paul II declared that a Jubilee would take place every 25 years, in direct conflict with God's declaration that a Jubilee is every 50 years. This is a fulfilled prophecy: from Dan 7:8 "there came up among them another little horn." Dan 7:25 "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws." You think all of that prophecy is for the future, but a great deal has already come to pass.
- 1517 Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation and founded of the Lutheran church to restore Christ's sacrifice as sufficient.
- 1520 pope Leo X demanded that Martin Luther retract 41 of his 95 theses. pope uses papal decree to attack Martin Luther for saying that the sacrifice of Christ was sufficient to save man.
- 1521 pope Leo X excommunicates Martin Luther, seemingly expressing, How dare you try to restore the sanctuary, which I have defiled by decree?
- 1541 John Calvin founded the Presbyterian church with a burden for prayer.
- 1559 pope Paul IV decrees that only Catholics can be elected Pope.
- 1564 pope Pius IV declared the rules for forbidding books.
- 1567 pope Pius V orders all Jews to sell all property in Papal States.
- 1570 pope Pius V excommunicates Queen Elizabeth I of England, declares her a heretic, and releases her subjects from any allegiance to her. Further, commanded all nobles, subjects, peoples to not obey her orders, mandates and laws. Those who shall act to the contrary are also excommunicated.
- 1582 pope Gregory XIII replaces the Julian calendar with a new calendar called the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most countries today. The birth date of Christ was changed. Again, direct fulfillment of prophecy in Dan 7:25 "to change times and laws."
- 1608 John Smyth formed the first Baptist church, saying an accountable person is to be submerged.
- 1650 Seventh-day Baptists & Seventh-day Adventists founded to follow the original 10 commandments as god's law, which keeps the Sabbath.
- 1715 to 1789 the Age of Enlightenment prepared the way for false doctrine to remove god and attack the truth.
- 1742 John Wesley founded the Methodist church, said the lay-evangelist is given to let your light shine.
- 1820 Mormons: Joseph Smith, Jr. said he received a vision, basically discredited God's judgment by saying they become gods.
- 1844 the same year that was prophesied that the sanctuary in heaven was to be cleansed, many counterfeit doctrines attacked the truth.
- 1844 Darwinism: Charles sent his first draft to members of the scientific community.
- 1844 Ecumenism: look at all of these in the same year.
- 1844 Communism: this year marked the cleansing of the sanctuary.
- 1844 Spiritualism: and this year marked the end of the 2300 year prophecy for the sanctuary being trodden under foot.
- 1848 Kate and Margaret Fox, of Hydesville, New York, reported that they had made contact with a spirit, discrediting God's view on the dead.
- 1859 Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution in "On the Origin of Species", discredited creation having a creator.
- 1879 Christian Science says no need for salvation, god is in all of us.
- 1893 the Roman Catholic Church distributed a pamphlet, that eventually became a book named "Rome's Challenge, Why do protestants keep Sunday"
There is so much more that I could add to that list of actual historical events. I provided the link below in case you wanted to look. For now, I am resting with this list, so that this message can begin to go out to the world.
Papal Decrees
wiki has the full list
Jesus' gospel was perverted by the Roman Catholic Church, by papal decree, click here to see them.
Martin Luther's 95 Theses
God always makes a way and he communicates it
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Let's start at the beginning
God set aside the seventh day for himself
Gen 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Which of these 10 commandments is no longer valid?
Deu 5:5
- 1) You shall have no other gods before Me.
- 2) You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in the heavens above, on the earth below, or in the waters beneath. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on their children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing loving devotion to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
- 3) You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave anyone unpunished who takes His name in vain.
- 4) Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God, on which you must not do any work—neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant or livestock, nor the foreigner within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is in them, but on the seventh day He rested. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.
- 5) Honor your father and mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.
- 6) You shall not murder.
- 7) You shall not commit adultery.
- 8) You shall not steal.
- 9) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- 10) You shall not coveth your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, or his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.